Keyword-rich content allows your website to have a high SEO ranking, which translates into a dominant online presence. And when your website has a dominant online presence, it generates leads, builds your brand, and enables long-term connections with your customers.
Keywords in the content of your website are words which focus on delivering your message in the most efficient manner. For example, important keywords would be your products and services, as well as your location (if applicable).
Using Keywords Properly
Website content must be written so that these keywords are incorporated into complete sentences and phrases. For instance, you cannot simply list keywords separated by commas. Google ranks webpages based on how relevant and valuable they are to the user, so a page with a list of keywords but without any supporting content will be penalized.
It is important that your website’s content be a blend of targeted keywords and topic-focused keywords. Identify keywords that are most relevant to your products and services, and that would be often searched for. Be sure to include them (sensibly!) in the page title, Meta description tag, H1 tag, image alt tags, and naturally throughout the body text.
Do not resort to the old trick of “keyword stuffing” to try to manipulate your website’s ranking. Keyword stuffing includes having lists of keywords without any context and repeating the same words or phrases so often that it sounds unnatural.
Doing it Right Pays Off
To generate related keywords and plan a topic for your next content, Google Keyword Planner is a great tool.
Proper keyword usage can help direct the desired traffic to your website, which in turn causes your website to be positioned at the top of the search result pages. And that is a goal any website owner wants to reach!